Who are we?
Hi! My name is Shirah Mustardé - welcome to the Vitalise Your Life blog.
For over 12 years I have been a practising Naturopathic Nutritionist in the UK and have helped hundreds of people achieve their health goals, whether it be to lose weight, reduce digestive issues or find relief from their chronic aches & pains.
I have seen the power of good nutrition and healthy living to transform the quality of peoples’ lives and I want to help you achieve the same.
My own journey to health started in my 20s when I suffered from debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for several years - by radically changing my diet and lifestyle I was able to slowly return to health.
Ever since, I have been committed to learning as much as I can about the body’s ability to heal itself, what we can do to support that process naturally, and how we can protect our health throughout our lives.
My husband Paul has also used diet, supplementation and healthy living to battle chronic illness, and together we strongly believe that by taking a holistic view of our health and providing our bodies with the resources they need, we can live happier and healthier lives.
Why we started Vitalise Your Life
In 2018 Paul and I decided to start Vitalise Your Life to help as many people as possible educate themselves about how to find and maintain health naturally.
Our aim is to provide a healthy living framework for people to adopt that gives them a clear route map that is easy to follow and empowers them to make real changes in their own lives. After all, good health is the most valuable gift we can receive!
I very much hope that you will learn from what you read here and this knowledge will help you enjoy the health and vitality that you deserve!
Shirah Mustardé
BA Hons DipNN
“Education not Medication”
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you - if you have questions about anything you find here, are looking for healthy living advice or have a suggestion for something you would like to see covered on ‘Vitalise Your Life’, please send us a message or join our Facebook community group
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