The 2 Top Tips For Losing Weight and Feeling Great in Winter

The 2 Top Tips For Losing Weight and Feeling Great in Winter

How can we lose weight healthily in winter? After the party season the temptation is to go on a knee-jerk diet or exercise program but at this time of year that is usually stressful for our bodies and can do more harm than good. Here are 2 fantastic tips for losing weight and feeling full of life during the winter months.

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We all scream for sunscreen! But should we?

We all scream for sunscreen! But should we?

We have been warned so much about the dangers of the sun that we all know not to get burnt. However, have we gone too far? How much sun exposure do we need to get Vitamin D but not burn our skin? Are the high factor sunscreens always necessary and are they good for us? And why is vitamin D so important?

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